Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Orchid Hunting in a Porsche: December 5, Isle de la Réunion

On Thursday, a small group took an unofficial orchid-hunting field trip.   We were the guests of local orchid aficionados, Michel Szelengowicz and Jean Maurice Tamon.  There were only seven people, so we travelled in our hosts’ personal vehicles.  By luck of the draw, I ended up as the passenger in Michel’s Porsche.  How unlikely to go orchid-hunting in a convertible with the top down.  Let’s just say that we traveled quite a bit faster than the bus had the day before. 

Although we were near La Plaine des Palmistes and just a few kilometers from the previous day, this habitat was entirely different.  Rather than mossy, mountain forest, this area contained lots of Pandanus montanus trees.  I would have described it as arid, except that the ground was a bit swampy.  There were a remarkable number of angraecoids—and surprisingly a large number in bloom. All of the species we saw are rare in cultivation (at least in the U.S.) so I had never seen any of these species in bloom.  How wonderful to first “discover” them in situ. 

Angraecum expansum could be found on the roots of numerous pandanus trees.  It was growing in full sun, not more than a foot from the ground.    

Angraecum borbonicum was growing very low on an Erica or Philippia bush.  Again, multiple plants were growing in full sun, fairly close to the ground. Surprisingly, this species was fragrant during the day.  This species is endemic to Réunion and is thought to be self-pollinating. 

Although not in bloom, there were also several other angraecoid species in the area.  This photo captures several different angraecoid species growing on the same trunk. 

In a particularly boggy area, we were lucky enough to find a Jumellea stenophylla in bloom.  It was growing in the shade, about head height on a tree.  Although only a few steps away, this micro-habitat was much more humid.  There was standing water about ankle deep.  There were several other angraecoid species with seed pods, but no others in bloom. 

And then in a private garden, we observed several additional species.  (And while these don’t count as “in situ sitings,” it was exciting to see a new Angraecum species nonetheless.)   In particular, seeing Angraecum striatum was a real treat.  This species is endemic to Reunion.   And the flowers have a lovely green flush in the center. 

There are two more days worth of photographs from Réunion forthcoming.  

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Crowd-Sourcing Angraecoid Conservation

The true purpose of the trip to Réunion and Madagascar was the International Orchid Conservation Congress’ meeting.  http://iocc5.univ-reunion.fr/  Held in beautiful Saint-Denis, Réunion, the conference theme was “Making the Links.”  The goal was to bring together multiple areas of expertise and find ways to further the conservation of orchids worldwide. 

I was honored to give a presentation on behalf of and about The Angraecoid Alliance during the conference.  The abstract of this presentation follows:

Abstract:  Crowd-sourcing Angraecoid Conservation
“Many angraecoid orchids naturally occur in limited areas of Madagascar and tropical Africa. Unfortunately, these habitats have suffered extensive destruction and fragmentation. To date, conservation efforts have been unable to substantially diminish the destruction of angraecoid-rich habitats. The future of these habitats is grim. Both in-situ and ex-situ conservation are necessary for species survival.
Seeking to increase the number of angraecoid species in ex-situ conservation, plants already in cultivation are being used to propagate genetically diverse populations for ex-situ conservation. A large number of angraecoid species—some exceedingly rare—are cultivated in private collections around the world by botanical gardens and hobbyists with a passion for angraecoid orchids. The Angraecoid Alliance has recruited (and continues to seek out) individuals and organizations interested in angraecoids and ex-situ species conservation. Members of The Angraecoid Alliance donate pollen, seed and/or flasking services. As of July 2013, members of The Angraecoid Alliance have pollinated (or attempted pollination) on multiple species: Aerangis umbonata (syn fuscata); Angraecum conchoglossum; Angraecum curnowianum; Angraecum dollii; Angraecum pinifolium; Angraecum rhynchoglossum and Cryptopus elatus. Seed of several additional species has been donated to The Alliance's efforts: Aeranthes peyrotii; Angraecum birrimense; and Cryptopus paniculatum. The Angraecoid Alliance's objective is to harness previously unused resources and methods to effectuate both ex-situ and in-situ conservation of angraecoid species.”
Many more photographs of orchids and orchid-hunting in Réunion and Madagascar are still to come.